Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bad dreams

Once upon a time , there was a photo a very scary photo . It was in a haunted house . I went in and couldn't get out.

Everyday I was trapped until I found a way to get out of the haunted house. It wasn’t easy but I succeeded in a way I wouldn't believe.

But one day I saw the Photo again in my dreams and then the next night i had the same dream , and again and again. I had a feeling that the photo was now in the house next door.

Because of that I didn’t sleep for a whole week. So one night I went next door and went inside and i saw many scary photos but none like the in my dreams. I looked around and then  the door slammed closed and locked me in.

Suddenly I looked up and there was stairs going up . I had a feeling that the photo was up in one of the rooms.

I walked up and realized , then looked right and there was the photo from in my dreams hanging on the wall , I went and got it and walked back down . I went to look at the door, then it opened like magic.

Until finally i got out of the house , i never had been better .

Ever since I had no more bad dreams about the photo , and i didn’t think that photo was scary after all.

The moral of the story is don't let your mind freak you out .

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