I think that The Heart Attack Grills shouldn't be allowed to operate in Glen Innes Auckland New Zealand. The Reason why I think it shouldn’t be able to run is because their food will cause people to become obese.
The Heart Attack Grill has a high level of fat in their burgers which are filled with heaps of oil . The Heart Attack Grill burgers are stacked four meat patties high with extra layers of cheese. Plus their chips are fried in animal fat and their drinks are butter cream milk shakes.
Jon Basso who is the man who runs The Heart Attack Grills say’s “ this food will kill you but if you would want a burger I will make it for you”. People who like to go to The Heart Attack Grill should think more about what the food contains
Jon Basso also say’s that “if you are over 300 lbs you get your meal for free” . He has signs that his food will kill you but if you are going to take the risk he will make it for you. What if I was obese and had no money where would I go to get a feed ?? The Heart Attack Grills or the dairy , I would go where I could eat for free.
I think The Heart Attack Grill shouldn't be aloud to operate in Glen Innes because obesity amongst the community will increase.