Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sky diver

Can you jump from 2km high without a parachute. Try this link to show the action

Stuntman Gray connery jumped out of a helicopter . He jumped from 2 km high. He is the first person to jump from this awesome height without using a parachute. Gray landed  safely in 18,600 of cardboard boxes.

Wing suit is a sport  to fly the human body through the air using, a jumpsuit, called  a wingsuit. The wingsuit has a surface  to increase the human body to lift up. The wingsuit is not like a parachute as it spreads out to slow the skydiver down.

Click on this link to show you more about wingsuits

1 comment:

  1. Hi Logan
    That is a cool and interesting post. It will be a little bit better if you put an animation to it as well. Keep up the good work.
    From Kaiden


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